Tag Archives: Workplace

Things I miss about my full time job

For giving a background TBH and I work for our own setup, okay basically his setup and that too from home. He has an office in another town of the city where we keep travelling every other month but basically we both work out of home. I was mentioning this to an acquaintance and he simply asked me how it’s like to be working from home; I was like great– specially saving those long hours commuting to and fro from work. Basically in many other aspects as well but I am preparing a post on being married to an entrepreneur and those things will be divulged there.

The point of this post is more about the things I miss about my previous work place and practically my first full time job experience. I had a privilege to have worked for one of the most sought after firms in the country and in the role that I loved. It has spoiled me so much that when we moved cities post marriage, I decided against joining any other company despite getting offers and started working for TBH’s startup.

But every now and then I would miss my work place. Some of the reasons I am jotting down here so when I look back and read this in future I know I had this wonderful time in my first official job.

For all the first time experiences: For getting a desk of my own and a machine. For getting a personal VoIP number to my first printed visiting card. For giving me my first promotion. For making me feel truly a professional first time in life. For meeting the big shots and representing my team. For the first beautiful corporate experience ever. For giving me the power of initiating and getting heard. For inculcating the culture of sharing and caring.

For the work I did: It wasn’t a high fundoo job but it was the one I truly loved and felt belonged. For finding my calling. For knowing that those seemingly simple jobs make a difference. For finding people who shared the passion. That brings me down to my team lead.

For getting to know my team lead: He was a guy who was an eye sore for most of the people because he was exceptionally good at this job despite being under qualified compared to almost everybody in the team. This guy made me fall in love with the work we did. This guy taught me how writing good mails make a big difference. This guy taught me how passion makes all the difference and there is nothing that can hold you back. He taught me that if you have a point and a plan, you will be heard. He gave me confidence to perform exceptionally well, defended me when needed and I know for him I was his biggest asset. He taught me how to cross your boundaries and chalk out your own career path. I miss him most and the endless talks on movies, books and food we shared during log out hours.

For the numerous outings, team lunches, office celebrations, festivals, team day offs and various other excuses to celebrate.

For dressing up each morning and being up to date with fashion.

For the cribbing and fun gossip sessions among the four of my lunch mates.

And the funny pings on the outlook messenger among team mates.

For the funnier elevator sessions.

For the urgent meet to have a pastry at the office bakery shop.

For going to the office library and spending some quality time with me.

For the amazing bus mates.

For being involved in multiple causes through a proper channel and actually contributing.

For all the weekend stories.

For the chocolates and other souvenirs shared by the expats while visiting us.

For the coffee breaks.

For using my collection of laptop bags.

For all the hook up stories.

For all the people I met during the journey.

For finding half of my workplace at the airport during long weekends.

For witnessing the morning rush – make up sessions in the washroom.

For being someone and earning a name very early in my career and being approached by people for queries.

And endless other big – small things. You have guessed it right I was in love with my workplace.