Tag Archives: Cakes

I have been baking !!!

Three baking experiments in past ten days and shall I say all successful ones.

First thing first, a big thank you to techie2mom for running this wonderful food blog and also taking pains and writing this baking for beginners. This not only saved a lot of TBH’s money (I was going to buy an oven) but also gave my baking experiments a new momentum. The post explains in detail the nuances of baking using a microwave and I am only too happy with the results.

So what I have been up to?

First I baked this, a basic eggless sponge cake using a recipe shared by the latest guest at home (yup there are some god send guests too)


Only when I cut it, I realized why a sponge cake is called a sponge cake :). It turned out to be amazing.

Then I tried my hands in some bread making, a very small portion without even having a loaf tin but still managed to turn out to be good enough to give way to more efforts in this direction. Inspired by Haathi’s Masala Bread but not exactly replicating it. Sorry I don’t have pictures of it to share now.

And then the cherry on cake or what ever, Haathi again from Hungry and Excited posted this recipe of Eggless Guilt free Golden Cake and I did not need anything else, I was so tempted to bake it the moment I saw it but decided to wait for a proper baking tin and gather all the ingredients. And yesterday I baked this only later to realize that it was Gudi Padwa too 🙂


And it turned out to be exactly the way I thought it to be. Kudos to all the food bloggers out there, you guys totally rock.

So what’s been up with you?